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Writer's pictureChristal Marshall

Our simple principles for successful businesses and family

Some people think this is the life. They say they happy smiles, the ability to go anywhere anytime, they creativity, the flexible schedule... but this is only 1% of 1% of what a entrepreneurs life is like.

What you don’t say are the late nights until midnight. You don’t see the tears from a mistake or from a bad review. You don’t see the hours and hours spent doing research, gathering supplies and being obsessive over the latest project for marketing trick.

You don’t see the tension in the family as being an entrepreneur is sometimes very stressful on everyone.

Entrepreneur life is NOT for everyone. It’s takes a complete lifestyle change. It takes an entire community of people to watch your kid’s, help you, ready to jump in and serve at the drop of a hat.

Social media glamorizes the entrepreneur life- it is filled with great rewards, but it’s also a roller coaster of emotions and inner conflict.

By following a few simple principles and downsizing a lot in our life we were able to live simply, make a living life doing what we love and most importantly spending quality time as family.

have a day of rest... answer no messages, make something creative for just you or spend time with family

live simply- we don’t pay for nice clothes, we buy used cars with cash and we don’t do expensive sports or vacations

we try to live off of primarily the comparison of ONE income- so we have lots to save, give and share

we live open handed- giving to those in need- trying not to hold onto material possessions (we have given away furniture, cars, food, time etc.)

family and the greater mission comes first- if we see a toxic situation, client or potentially crazy time or peace-sucking project or relationship that could possibly arise we say NO! If we keep saying “yes” to everything and try to please everyone- we could sacrifice our kids and family!

Want to live a balanced life but still do what you live and use your creativity to provide fir your family? Mentoring packages are coming soon!

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