Thank you thank you!
Because of you we were able to stay in business during a global pandemic- helping people and clients around the country with their marketing and branding
We were able to be at home and homeschool our three kids without skipping a beat - during quarantine- our daughter learned 2 years worth of math in a few months
We were able to continue to thrive- starting two additional businesses (@handyandyfixes and @nomadearthdesign) along with our other two (@virginiamarketingandmedia and @virginiaphotosandfilms )
We were able stay mentally strong- working out 365 days this year (at home at 5:30am) and I haven’t drank alcohol all of 2020!
We were able to continue to help our ministry partners @younglife and @findinghopehonduras and @onpurposewithpassion build content for this year to help them raise money for their causes...
We donated thousands of hours worth of services and time to several non-profits and churches this year
God has been faithful through it all- covering every bill and mortgage with just enough!
Can’t wait to see what 2021 will bring... so thank you for supporting our small businesses!